January 21, 2014

Advocacy reaches world leaders


Posted on: January 16, 2014 1:47 PM

Refugees crowd in Awerial and using trees for shelter.
Photo Credit: Anglican Alliance
Related Categories: Anglican AllianceSudan
Advocacy for peace and reconciliation in South Sudan has been initiated by Anglican churches and agencies around the world to highlight the voices working for peace in the nation.
Several conference calls initiated by church staff from US and Canada have enabled partners to hear directly from Bishops of the Episcopal Church of Sudan and South Sudan and to share information about the current crisis.
As a result of these calls, statements calling for negotiations for peace and reconciliation were issued to international government representatives. The Obama administration, US Congress, the British Foreign Office and the Canadian Foreign Office all heard the Anglican call, communicating the voices of Bishops on the ground in South Sudan, who are working tirelessly to support their communities and their country.
The Sudanese Development and Relief Agency (SUDRA) are working with the dioceses in South Sudan to provide immediate humanitarian aid to those displaced by the violence. 
Regular Alliance conference calls involving the Anglican Board of Mission and Anglican Overseas Aid in Australia, CMS UK, the Mothers’ Union and the Salisbury-Sudan Link in the UK, Episcopal Relief & Development in the US and the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund in Canada have ensured close contact and coordination with SUDRA is maintained.
Updates on the situation in South Sudan continue to come to the Alliance in regular conversation with the Church on the ground.  A consolidated proposal for relief is being developed and will be posted on the Anglican Alliance website soon. 
Bishops across the nation continue to ask for your prayerful support as they work for peace and reconciliation in their war-torn country.